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It's Hard to Let Go One of Your Dream

We all have may dreams, right? To becoming this and becoming that, to achieve this, to make proud of your parents (ofc), and everything that will widen your knowledge and level-up your skill. 

May be that's only my opinion.

I once have a dream to join one of the renowned educational-non government organization, called IM since i was in the college. But that dream got postponed because one of the requirement is a bachelor degree, so i was waiting for my graduation, then i had to finish my professional degree and i was waiting again for my second graduation. After that, i was so happy because i got the requirement to apply for this organization. 

That was one of my bucket list to join, not only for myself, but also for Indonesia. I know that reason was too naive, but that's true. I do love my country after all. although there are still a lot of crazy things happen in this country but i still love Indonesia with all the uniqueness and the culture, and the diversity. 

Because of that, i want to contribute more as an educated person. One of the role or may be responsibility of an educated person is to educate the other person, so that's why i want to do my role as an educated person by join IM.

But life is a choice, right? You always have many things that you must decide in your life, and so do I. I have many consideration before decided should i join this community or not? But someone said that it will be better if we choose the decision that have the least impact to other. Try to not hurting others with your decision. Noted, Sir.

When my mother said no to my decision, and she told me the reason and her objection, and i felt like oh Allah i wanted to pursue my dream but i didn't want to hurt my mother's heart, too. You know, that was very terrible. The only thing i could do at that time was crying, alone. So my mother wouldn't saw that how much i wanted to pursue that. But i love my mother beyond anything in this world, so i don't want to make her cry or hurt. 

That's why i have to let go one of my dream.

But i still have another dream that i must pursue, so wait for me mom and dad, i always try my best you make you proud. 


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